Sunday, November 11, 2007

first post

I'm starting a blog so i can have a place to write about what i'm doing in san diego this winter and so that I can also post pictures with it.

So far I've spent the last several days traveling with my friends from oregon to san francisco and then to los angeles. I met with community organizer Neelam Sharma in south central LA and spent a beautiful day gardening with her and some youth who work with CSU. (Community services unlimited, the non-profit arm of the southern california chapter of the black panther party) We weeded some beds and planted radish and brussels sprouts.

The garden, with banana, fig, and cherimoya on the left side, and garden beds in the center. I also ate a fresh guava and harvested some lemongrass for tea.

I was planning on staying longer in LA so i could tour the LA ecovillage, but I couldn't stand being there,staying at my grandma's empty house alone, so I left a day early to return to la mesa.

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